The course Database Programming is conducted in the form of lectures and computer laboratories.
- As part of the classes, students become familiar with increasingly advanced topics related to managing databases in the Oracle DBMS environment.
- During the classes, students solve tasks from provided lists and present their progress in class.
- Attendance in classes is mandatory.
- A detailed description of the rules governing the course is provided on this page, which is updated as needed.
Notes for PL-SQL, however, in old format:
If you find any error in the lecture, please send your feedback through MS Teams. There shall be reward for that :)
Evaluation details
- There are four (4) lists for which you can get up to fifteen (15) points.
- You need to complete ALL four lists and send them by the end of semester.
- Three out of four lists should be marked as solved (by the teacher). Solved does not imply marked for full fifteen points.
- Once you have three lists completed you have passed the labs.
- The grade you have passed is derived from points you gathered.
- There will be a way to skip the test, but it relates to the number of points you gathered, so work hard.